Installation Instructions

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the Script: First, download the script file from the link provided after your purchase.
  2. Extract the Zip File: Unzip the downloaded file to access the script (.jsx) and this instruction file.
  3. Locate Photoshop Scripts Folder:
    Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (version)\Presets\Scripts\
    Mac: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop (version)/Presets/Scripts/
  4. Copy the Script: Copy the extracted script (.jsx) file into the Photoshop Scripts folder.
  5. Restart Photoshop: Close and reopen Photoshop to ensure the script is loaded.
  6. Run the Script:
    Go to File > Scripts and select the script from the list.
    Follow the on-screen prompts to use the script for your tasks.

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